Physioinfo Article

Running Gait - Joint Biomechanics

Running Gait Joint Biomnechanics A Breakdown of important points: Beginning of stance phase - hip is in about 50? flexion at heel strike, continuing to extend during the rest of the stance phase. It reaches 10? of hyperextension after toe off. The hip flexes to 55? flexion in the late swing phase. Before the end of the swing phase, the hip extends to 50? to prepare for the heel strike. The knee flexes to about 40? as the heel strikes, then flexes to 60? during the loading response The knee begins to extend after this, and reaches 40? flexion just before toe-off. During swing phase and the initial part of the float period, the knee flexes to reach maximum flexion of 125? during the mid swing. The knee then prepares for heel strike by extending to 40? The ankle is in about 10? of dorsiflexion when the heel strikes, and then dorsiflexes rapidly to 25? DF. Plantarflexion happens almost immediately, continuing throughout the rest of the stance phase of running, and as it enters swing phase also. Plantarflexion reaches a maximum of 25? in the first few seconds of of swing phase. The ankle then dorsiflexes throughout the swing phase to 10? in the late stage of swing phase, preparing for heel strike. The lower limb medially rotates during the swing phase, continuing to medially rotate at heel strike. The foot pronates at heelstrike. Lateral rotation of the lower limb stance leg begins as the swing leg passes by the stance leg in mid stance position.